Don't Call it a Comeback [Scrapmageddon Devlog #8]

DISCLAIMER: All Scrapmageddon images are W.I.P. and heavily subject to change, NOT representative of the final product.

Hello everyone, I know it's been a little bit longer than a week since my last devlog (seven to be exact) but I'm here now with something big to show. There's a LOT that's changed since the last update, so instead of writing about it, I'll leave you with this:

So why the long break? I told you the alliteration police were after me Well the reason is simple, I want these devlogs to show off a certain level of progress, and when I spend an entire week on one model, or fixing bugs, there's not a lot of progress to show. So I took some time and worked on a lot of the modeling (don't ask about the bugs... please...) and made a lot of headway as far as design is concerned and now I have something to show, and a better idea of what direction I want to take the game. I've decided to start posting these devlogs on the first Saturday of every month, instead of weekly. This will give me more freedom to focus on getting modeling out of the way when I need to and not have to rush shoving a mechanic in for the devlog, and more time to focus on actually making the game instead of writing a three page essay on how I couldn't find the undo button in Blender.

The demo release is quickly approaching and there's a lot of work to be done, but progress is being made and the deadline is still entirely possible to hit. There will be one more devlog next month, and then it will finally be time for the first release build of Scrapmageddon, but don't worry, devlogs will continue throughout development. I'll get more into the details of what the demo will look like in the next devlog as there's still a few key features missing and a lot of prettying up that needs to be done, but you know what they say, the worm that eats birds likes to wake up early... or something...

I'm so tired.

Thanks for reading, see you all in the next one

- BlueJay

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